Welcome to Short Steps Safety Solutions NZ

Let Short Steps Safety Solutions NZ work with you to make a difference locally.

Connect and invite me to visit your workplace so we can talk about your health and safety. With a variety of gained industry experience I can offer honest and realistic advice.

I am sure that we will all agree that no-one wakes in the morning wanting to have an accident at work. No-one goes out of their way to injure themselves purposefully, however accidents still happen. Why is this?

Before you explore this site further, I am excited to say that I have a new workplace safety site.

Visit the brand new Short Steps Safety Solutions NZ homepage for my latest tips, info and to get in touch.

As a business in New Zealand, there is an opportunity to influence change in how Health and Safety is perceived. It needs strong people to lead this change and for us all to think about;

  • What do we need to do differently to change the way of thinking?

  • What do we need to do differently to reduce the number of fatalities within New Zealand workplaces?

  • Who, within your workplaces takes ownership of Health and Safety?

  • Do you start your team meetings talking about health and safety?

  • Does H&S appear on your meeting agenda?

  • What importance is given to H&S?

  • How do you start a safety conversation and what reaction do you get from the audience?

Visible felt leadership is a great way to affect change among your workers and creating and growing your H&S culture within the business.

  • Not sure where to start?

    Connect with Short Steps Safety Solutions NZ so I can provide you with some guidance and advice.

    There are two levels of service that can be provided to you and your business.

    1. Information is presented to you for you to engage with and embed within your business. You demonstrate your level of engagement and implementation success during follow up sessions and site visits.

    2. You and your business engage me on a fixed term contract to implement the agreed action within a specified timeframe. Success is achieved with engagement, willingness for change and buy-in from all levels of the business.

  • Allow Short Steps Safety Solutions NZ to visit your place of work to undertake an audit of what you do.

    Built around your H&S systems with the purpose of the audit is to check that you are doing what you say you are

    Providing you with an independent review of your H&S system to identify what is going well and where possible improvements can be made.

  • Allow Short Steps Safety Solutions NZ to visit your workplace and give me an opportunity to talk with all levels of the business to identify how embedded your health and safety culture is.

    Do your workers see H&S in the same light as the management team and the board or is it polar opposites.

    By asking the same questions with the board, senior managers and workers, I can then provide you with an in-depth report and any recommendations or solutions to build on what your already have in place

    Connect directly with me if you want more information or you want to engage with this type of assessment

  • Do you have a specific Health and Safety project that you need to be implemented across your business?

    Does a member of your safety team want to take some extended leave and you need someone who can fill the gap for a short term.

    Connect directly with Short Steps Safety Solutions NZ to see how I can help.